Accept rules
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Our review
Some ground rules.
These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Do not break any laws. Use common sense and knowledge of the laws of your country of residence.
Be kind. Discriminatory language based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. is not tolerated.
Be respectful. Do not make your issues with another user public. Either settle it in private or contact a moderator.
Use CW (Content Warnings). Make liberal use of CW for content including but not limited to: lewd/kinky/politics (and other polarizing subjects)/drugs/game spoilers. As a rule of thumb: if it'd be awkward to explain in public, put a CW on it.
Keep your avatar/banner safe. Other instances will see these, so avoid any explicit or otherwise highly suggestive content.
Credit Artwork. Link back to, or at least provide the name of, the artist of any and all artwork you post. Failure to do so repeatably will result in swift account suspension.
Content featuring pedophilia/zoophilia/irl snuff or gore/etc. will lead to immediate account suspension. This includes characters that are "technically" of age, but look underage.
While not required, alt text is highly encouraged.
AI images, while allowed have to be tagged as such, do not claim the artwork as your own. Provide the AI and settings used in alt text.
You alone are responsible for any and all content you post to this site. You may not post copyrighted content you do not have the right to use.
Impersonating another individual without a clear indication of parody (i.e. "Parody" as part of the display name) will lead to swift suspension. Furthermore, parody is only permitted for lighthearted fun, mean-spirited mockery will still lead to suspension.
Due to the nature of this instance, any and all users have to be of age in their respective country or at least 18 years old, whichever is higher.
Migrations or new accounts onto this instance as an effort of ban/block evasion will lead to swift suspension.
More rules may be added or changed in the future as necessary, this will (usually) be accompanied by an announcement and reminder to review the rules.
Due to an increase of spam accounts as of late we require approval for sign-ups. Please provide a simple reason for your sign-up to ensure it's not automated.